Transform Your Logistics Operations Workflow.

Your existing spreadsheets and software, connected to your own staff access app. Artificial Intelligence connected and working for you behind the scenes, better than any current human operator does.

Stock locations, loading out progress, daily vehicles checks, safety reporting all in real time to your tablet, desktop or office mounted TV screen. View from home or on-the-go, all saved to your Google Sheets.

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Automate your daily operations and take control. Saving your operational team hours each day.


Get real-time updates on tasks, assets, and job status. Give your customers faster response times.

Seamless integration

Integrate easily with Excel online, cloud databases, accountancy packages and existing software.


You own it. All made in your own secure Google account. You have full legacy and access control.

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Free Up Your Time with Real-Time Workflow Solutions

Simplify warehouse operations, increase accountability, and focus on what matters. Connect with your staff and customers across multiple sites, even from home!

Your own custom workflow system designed to streamline your business processes and give you back time to focus on growth.

Eliminate the need for paper paper, pen and clipboards. There are processes to eliminate some of the repeated manual tasks with automation.

Features Designed to Boost Efficiency

Real-Time Data & Accountability

Say goodbye to manual paperwork. Your team can log data and photos directly, whether it's recording load statuses or tracking equipment. Connect TV screens and web pages for staff to see your workflow status in real-time.

Field Reporting

Field engineers and remote staff can easily log vehicle checks, damage reports, equipment service dates, lone worker monitoring and more. Track assets, vehicles, and equipment from your office PC within seconds.

Warehouse Management

Streamline communication between staff, and track incoming loads, equipment status, and more with real-time alerts.

  • Weekly walkaround safety checks.
  • Daily machine operator checks.
  • Customer inbound load booking forms.
  • Visual screens showing all trucks waiting.
  • Live images from yard staff.
  • Shot load reporting.